Except for this time. I'm just shocked to say I've gotten 2 projects done, from scratch, and entered into a few contests. It's amazing what happens when I put work aside and just do something I want to do.
The first was the Gnomeacres Warm Up Make-a-long. You had to make something to keep you warm and it had to be with Gnomeacres yarn. Of which I have approximately a ton of. Winner gets a gift certificate to the Gnomeacres site. Of which I need more yarn from. Right.
Anyway, I had a skein of worsted Sonic Screwdriver, bought with the intent on making fingerless mitts to match the Hitchhiker I had already made. So I casted on....
Done and entered into the Make-a-long. AND entered into the Ravellenic games into the WIP event, since I started these pre-Olympics. Done and done.
I casted on the GAP-Tastic cowl for myself in yarn I found in my stash. I remember buying 2 skeins from Knit Picks in a color they discontinued and never using it because it was 100% wool and I wasn't sure what to make. I just bought, ok, without thinking.
I actually finished it. In a week. I was so happy I wore it the next day all day, even in the house (it IS still cold in Indiana). I'm amazed at myself for hunkering down and completing something like this in a week.
Herbert the Head models
This was entered into Team Knitting Dead (the team I joined for the games) and in the Ravellenic games in the Cross Cowling event AND in the Stash Skeleton event (which I didn't even realize existed). Yay me.
I casted on the Rainbow Pride scarf as well on the 7th. I've been focusing on that and I believe I can get it done and entered by the close of the Olympics on the 23rd. If you go by ROY G BIV, I'm on the G and have B and V (purple) to finish. I can do this. I just need to finish the knitting and add the fringe. I can do this!
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
I still have mittens for my sister. The original pattern I posted did not work because my brain didn't register that the yarn I have is super bulky. I made one mitten from another pattern but it was pretty confusing and when I tried it on, I wouldn't give it away. So I found a new pattern and will be giving that a try soon.
My friend also bought a skein of gorgeous sock yarn during our trip to Chicago and wants a pair of socks. So that is on my list as well. I forget the name of the pattern but it's from the Joy of Sox book. I will post more once I start them.
I'm fairly certain that this year is the year of knitting for myself, however. I rarely do and I was so happy to finish the cowl and wear it...because it was MINE.
As a side note: I got a new knitting book and love pretty much everything in it. Once Upon A Knit is out now by most of the same folks who designed for Vampire Knits.
If you are participating in the games, post your project pages in the comments!