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Friday, October 31, 2014

My Favorite Podcasters

My bucket list now officially covers Rhinebeck : New York State Sheep and Wool Festival. I'm so jealous of these ladies.

It thrilled me to see my favorite podcasters all together :)

Kim from Craftstash, Kristin from Yarngasm, Maria from Subway Knits, Laura from The Dyer's Notebook and Dana from Danadoodleknits (blog).

If you enjoy yarnporn, this is an episode to watch!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Double the Fun!

I haven't been involved in a KAL (knit-a-long) for a while. I want to say it's been a year. Yeesh.

I've joined up for 2 KALs and they both start tomorrow. I'm pretty excited because one of them is Stephen West's Mystery Shawl KAL !!!  Wooooo!  For $6, you buy the pattern but Stephen doles in out in pieces to you, so you really don't know what the actual shawl will look like until the end. But based on the work Stephen does, it's going to be amazing!

Follow Stephen on Instagram. You won't regret it.

I picked out my 4 colors and got them caked up. I swapped out the Tempted yarn in the photo when I realized it was lace weight yarn for a cake of Madeline Tosh Sock in a bright red (no label).

My color A is the Knit Picks Bare yarn, with the bright red, bright green and bright purple as my other colors. I have no idea how these will look together but that's the fun of it! My project page is here for the yarn info.

Next up is the KAL for the Sunnydale Yarn Club - Patrol 2 (BUFFY!). It is hosted by the Dizzy Blonde Studios and honestly, I loved this yarn club so much I'm going to try and snag a spot on the Patrol 3 round. My love of Buffy knows no bounds.

I'm using the yarn called O Soave Fanciulla based on the episode Passion. Oh, that episode. Heart. Breaking.

All caked up and nowhere to go

Even though we can use any pattern with the Sunnydale yarn to enter the KAL, I chose to buy I Flunked The Written because it just looks cool and in this colorway will be magnificent!

So, Halloween night.... bring it on. I have knitting to do and many many episodes of Buffy to watch!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Christmas is Canceled!

Not really.


I had a notebook with ideas on what to knit folks I love for Christmas. I had started very early, in the summer even. I did this exactly the way I should have done it.

There's no way I will get anything done.

Lately, work has been on the edge of "way too much" and recently, it's jumped off that edge. I've been working more in the evenings to keep my head above the water line and it's really wearing on me when I would rather spend time with friends, family and my knitting.

Speaking of family, my rescue pup, Eva, has taken a turn for the worse. The vet calls this period hospice and some of the meds are helping her with pain and letting her eat and drink. At this point, I'd rather work and knitting go to the background so I can spend time with her.

I finally frogged the work and re-skeined the yarn from Becky's present I had started. That was a huge step and another reason why I think my heart wasn't in this.

After all this, I decided that handmade Christmas presents are not in the running this year. There was just too much pressure at fitting everything in. That being said....

Things are still being made. I've decided they will be "I love you" gifts.

A little less pressure in my life will help me with everything, I think.

same concept in knitting