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Monday, July 6, 2015

Line. Speed. Beauty.

I am falling victim to inertia. My brain, and house, contain so many things I want to do and learn but once I am home, I just do what I always do. Thankfully still knitting and reading instead of mindlessly watching TV but still. I need to get my body and mind in sync and get moving in another direction.

I heard the title above recently in regards to learning a new skill. It stuck. I think my main problem is, if I start spinning, if I put my wheel together and really have to start, I'll suck at it.

OF COURSE I will suck at it. I've never done it before.

But the thought of sucking at it has caused me to stop before I start.


Learn the technique. Don't worry about how good you are because you won't be. Absorb everything you can about the new skill you are trying to learn and PRACTICE.


Once Line is conquered then you move on to speed. Once the technique is down, you have the confidence to speed up the process.


Get your Line and Speed down then you move on to Beauty. THEN and only then, do you move on to creating art.

This whole process is behind some of the greatest art that is out there. Artists, musicians, filmmakers, everyone has to start at Line. Then they move to Speed. Then they create art and Beauty.

Everything I admire about spinning yarn, all of the people I follow on Instagram and Ravelry, I want to be there someday. And I will.

I will suck at this. But I'll get better. And I'll be blogging about every mess-up, foible, and success along the way.

Line. Speed. Beauty.