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Monday, December 8, 2014

Hole the size of a dime...kinda

It's been a while. But this time I have a good reason :)

My knitting has been a bit on hold due to a hand injury. Luckily, I have no pictures of this injury because it made me break out into a sweat when I looked at it. Blech. A small incident getting Eva out of the car with a ramp caused me to rip a chunk of my hand off (left behind on said ramp). I didn't realize it at first, just thinking that I scraped it on the sandpapery "floor" of the ramp. Once I got Eva to the backyard, I checked my hand and saw an almost dime-sized hole missing between my little finger knuckle and ring finger knuckle. As in... could see muscle underneath. And cue cold sweat.

Not much can be done for a hole like that so for 3 weeks, I left knitting by the wayside to nurse a hole-y, bandaged hand.

But I'm back!

On The Needles

I'm working on a Christmas present, although I said I wouldn't be. I'm so close now I decided it HAS to be done by Christmas. Details once it's given to the recipient.

My Halloween socks, my go-to vanilla sock pattern, in Gnomeacres Smell My Feet are on the needles but on hold. Halloween is so gone....

I was working on the Stephen West Shawl KAL and am still on clue one. Seriously, yes. I'm ok with this. Right......

I also have the I Flunked The Written Sunnydale KAL project on the needles and that's been on hold too. Oy.

Christmas vacation is coming soon and I know I'll get lots of knitting worked on. Just need a bit more time!

For Your Eyes

I've caught myself up on Haven, Castle, The Walking Dead and Z Nation. I have quite a few more shows that are waiting for me to catch up on (Sleepy Hollow, Outlander, Elementary)

I'm really enjoying the tongue-in-cheek goofiness of Z Nation. TWD just floored and upset me with it's mid-season finale but I guess I'll survive. Damn you, Kirkman!!!

I leave you now... more to come as I get back into the swing of knitting with a holeless hand!

Eva - staring daggers at Maggie chewing on an antler. Share, kids!

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