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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Call for Hats and Scarves!

My little town of Anderson has had some downturns. With another fabulous Midwest winter coming on, I wanted to give something back. Ulterior motive, I need to use up yarn as well.

I contacted a few shelters in Anderson and they could use some handknit/crocheted hats and scarves. So I am officially putting out the call for items to be donated through March 2015. If you knit or crochet and can contribute, please do! If you don't knit or crochet, hand bought items would be welcome too! Anything to keep the men at the shelters warm while the temperatures drop below freezing. If last winter was any indication, it could get up to 20 below, real temperature.

The first place we'll be donating to is The Christian Center on Main Street.  The Christian Center serves as a rescue shelter for men

The Christian Center's Rescue Shelter program maintains a 24/7 ** "no turn away" policy. Immediate physical needs are met, as guests sign up for beds, eat three meals a day, take showers and get haircuts and pick out fresh clothes. Men can stay up to 30 days, during which time Christian Center staff help them to evaluate their next best step, which may include enrollment in our Men's Program or different recovery programs with other service providers in the area.

The second place we'll be donating hats and scarves to is House of Hope of Madison County. House of Hope serves as a halfway house

The House of Hope is a well-established program that has served Madison County and the surrounding counties for many years in helping men recover from their addictions. In fact many of our employees throughout the years, have started as clients, became house managers, and either remained with the House of Hope in management roles or went to other treatment facilities to further their professional ambitions

For now, the residents we'll be donating to are men, so men's colors are needed. However, I am still researching and trying to contact shelters for women and children as well.

If you are interested in donating, please contact me at manadabomb AT gmail DOT com.

EDIT: Free patterns for hats/scarves

Tin Can Knits

Just a Beanie

Monday, December 8, 2014

Hole the size of a dime...kinda

It's been a while. But this time I have a good reason :)

My knitting has been a bit on hold due to a hand injury. Luckily, I have no pictures of this injury because it made me break out into a sweat when I looked at it. Blech. A small incident getting Eva out of the car with a ramp caused me to rip a chunk of my hand off (left behind on said ramp). I didn't realize it at first, just thinking that I scraped it on the sandpapery "floor" of the ramp. Once I got Eva to the backyard, I checked my hand and saw an almost dime-sized hole missing between my little finger knuckle and ring finger knuckle. As in... could see muscle underneath. And cue cold sweat.

Not much can be done for a hole like that so for 3 weeks, I left knitting by the wayside to nurse a hole-y, bandaged hand.

But I'm back!

On The Needles

I'm working on a Christmas present, although I said I wouldn't be. I'm so close now I decided it HAS to be done by Christmas. Details once it's given to the recipient.

My Halloween socks, my go-to vanilla sock pattern, in Gnomeacres Smell My Feet are on the needles but on hold. Halloween is so gone....

I was working on the Stephen West Shawl KAL and am still on clue one. Seriously, yes. I'm ok with this. Right......

I also have the I Flunked The Written Sunnydale KAL project on the needles and that's been on hold too. Oy.

Christmas vacation is coming soon and I know I'll get lots of knitting worked on. Just need a bit more time!

For Your Eyes

I've caught myself up on Haven, Castle, The Walking Dead and Z Nation. I have quite a few more shows that are waiting for me to catch up on (Sleepy Hollow, Outlander, Elementary)

I'm really enjoying the tongue-in-cheek goofiness of Z Nation. TWD just floored and upset me with it's mid-season finale but I guess I'll survive. Damn you, Kirkman!!!

I leave you now... more to come as I get back into the swing of knitting with a holeless hand!

Eva - staring daggers at Maggie chewing on an antler. Share, kids!

Friday, October 31, 2014

My Favorite Podcasters

My bucket list now officially covers Rhinebeck : New York State Sheep and Wool Festival. I'm so jealous of these ladies.

It thrilled me to see my favorite podcasters all together :)

Kim from Craftstash, Kristin from Yarngasm, Maria from Subway Knits, Laura from The Dyer's Notebook and Dana from Danadoodleknits (blog).

If you enjoy yarnporn, this is an episode to watch!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Double the Fun!

I haven't been involved in a KAL (knit-a-long) for a while. I want to say it's been a year. Yeesh.

I've joined up for 2 KALs and they both start tomorrow. I'm pretty excited because one of them is Stephen West's Mystery Shawl KAL !!!  Wooooo!  For $6, you buy the pattern but Stephen doles in out in pieces to you, so you really don't know what the actual shawl will look like until the end. But based on the work Stephen does, it's going to be amazing!

Follow Stephen on Instagram. You won't regret it.

I picked out my 4 colors and got them caked up. I swapped out the Tempted yarn in the photo when I realized it was lace weight yarn for a cake of Madeline Tosh Sock in a bright red (no label).

My color A is the Knit Picks Bare yarn, with the bright red, bright green and bright purple as my other colors. I have no idea how these will look together but that's the fun of it! My project page is here for the yarn info.

Next up is the KAL for the Sunnydale Yarn Club - Patrol 2 (BUFFY!). It is hosted by the Dizzy Blonde Studios and honestly, I loved this yarn club so much I'm going to try and snag a spot on the Patrol 3 round. My love of Buffy knows no bounds.

I'm using the yarn called O Soave Fanciulla based on the episode Passion. Oh, that episode. Heart. Breaking.

All caked up and nowhere to go

Even though we can use any pattern with the Sunnydale yarn to enter the KAL, I chose to buy I Flunked The Written because it just looks cool and in this colorway will be magnificent!

So, Halloween night.... bring it on. I have knitting to do and many many episodes of Buffy to watch!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Christmas is Canceled!

Not really.


I had a notebook with ideas on what to knit folks I love for Christmas. I had started very early, in the summer even. I did this exactly the way I should have done it.

There's no way I will get anything done.

Lately, work has been on the edge of "way too much" and recently, it's jumped off that edge. I've been working more in the evenings to keep my head above the water line and it's really wearing on me when I would rather spend time with friends, family and my knitting.

Speaking of family, my rescue pup, Eva, has taken a turn for the worse. The vet calls this period hospice and some of the meds are helping her with pain and letting her eat and drink. At this point, I'd rather work and knitting go to the background so I can spend time with her.

I finally frogged the work and re-skeined the yarn from Becky's present I had started. That was a huge step and another reason why I think my heart wasn't in this.

After all this, I decided that handmade Christmas presents are not in the running this year. There was just too much pressure at fitting everything in. That being said....

Things are still being made. I've decided they will be "I love you" gifts.

A little less pressure in my life will help me with everything, I think.

same concept in knitting

Monday, September 29, 2014

It's for charity!

I usually always have something on the needles for charity. I have a group called The Firewalker Project that sends chemo caps and prayer shawls to Midwestern cancer centers and usually knit for Caps For A Cure as well. I think I feel like... I can knit well and if I have something I am good at, I should use it for good (with great power comes great responsibility!).

I received an email about an auction/raffle going on to raise money for the Friends of Ostomates-Worldwide and decided to knit a new Dichotomy shawl to send. I made it pink and white striped and actually didn't get a picture of it before I sent it out (oops). But I hope it brings in some good money! If you are in the Aurora, IL area on October 26th, go check it out!

My company is having it's annual food drive in a month and I am knitting up some things to donate to the silent auction. Last year, my large gnomes brought in $80 a piece and my ninja brought in $50.

Not the real charity gnomes

The ninja found a home

This year, I'm knitting dishcloths to add to a kitchen gift basket. I figure a set of 3, plus a few crocheted scrubbies a friend is donating, plus some other goodies, would make a nice auction item. And the bright and cheerful yellow and white yarn can't hurt.

Then I'm making the awesome rainbow scarf I made myself, but in Indianapolis Colts colors.

Lastly, I'm making a set of Adventure Gnomes to auction off. Those little guys have all the fun!

Philip the gnome in the Philippines
photos by Amy Brown

hooo boy
photo by Warren Sifre

Sir Crooked Beard at Victoria Falls, Africa
photo by Becky Savage

Herbie running the Get Your Rear In Gear race!
photo by

Knit for Charity!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Fall is pretty much here. The windows are open, the air conditioner is off (buh-bye, high electric bill!) and I am happier. I do think Fall is my favorite season.

I'm super happy to report that I completed my first 5K since injuring my back! I did it in under an hour and cut one minute off my average mile. Last year was the inaugural Choose to Move: Race to Beat Parkinson's and since it hits so close to my dad's birthday, I've decided I will be walking (and maybe running) the 5K every year. My sister joined me last year and my mom joined us both this year. They did the 1 mile fun walk and I tackled the 5K walk (untimed). There was a really good crowd this year and I hope it keeps getting bigger!

Me, mom & April


Next Sunday, my friend and I tackle the Chocoholic Frolic.

On The Needles

Still working on the Noro Waterfall scarf. I really need to get monogamous on something so I can start knocking these things off the needles. The color changes on this one are so addicting to watch so I may just cozy up to this scarf for a while.

Also still working on a Christmas present for my mom. I have about 30 rows (lonnnnggg rows) left to knit before the finishing. It's very pretty as well but I won't be able to mention it or post pictures until after the holidays. Arrrgh.

My Halloween socks are languishing.

I casted on one more Christmas present today - bulky weight yarn  so it should go quickly.

Boy, have I reconsidered my Christmas knitting. The majority of things I planned are no longer on the list to be worked for Christmas. I don't want to stress myself out this year and there are so many things I want to knit for myself.

Off The Needles

Another FO! I finished a present for my massage therapist - the Dichotomy shawl! The yarn is so dang pretty I really sped through knitting this just to keep seeing the color changes.

I do hope she likes it!

I also made up 2 Adventure Gnomes to give away this week. They went to the co-workers who paid $80 for a big handknit gnome for our silent auction at work that benefited a local food bank. I wanted to give them a little something extra.

The military gnome is just a little version of the big one that was requested. I made the other in leftover light blue and navy blue yarn. I changed the pattern to knit in the round because I really dislike seaming!

Cute little guys :)

Casting About

While I was looking for yarn for the gnomes, I found I had lots of spare yarn, little bits and pieces. So today I bought about 10 little totes and sorted all the spare yarn by weight. I'm thinking for most of the extra yarn, I have enough for some chemo caps, more adventure gnomes and I'm thinking of using iMake's mitered square recipe to make a pillow cover for a throw pillow. I have enough weights I think I could do the pillow and get a throw blanket out of them!

That's about it... back to listening to podcasts and knitting before heading back to the concrete jungle tomorrow!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Podcast Spotlight: 2 Knit Lit Chicks

I've been catching up on some podcasts that I kind of let go for a bit recently. Any podcast about knitting and books is pretty going to be on my iPod and the 2 Knit Lit Chicks is one I started listening to after CraftLit.

This is another mother/daughter podcast and it's full of content: from knitting to contests to books to everything else. Most of the episodes come in about an hour, which seems a pretty decent time to just sit and relax, craft and listen.

Their shownotes (linked above) are chokeful of links to pretty much everything they talk about. They have a book talk section and I'm at a loss how these 2 women read SO much (and I thought I was a big reader!) but they are heavy on audiobooks as well. So far, I have to admit that their book tastes really do not mesh with mine but I love listening to the very honest reviews - if they don't like a book, they do not like a book.

They are joining some other podcasters to put on a knitting retreat in California and, just based on listening to the podcast, I would love to go and meet these ladies!

They often have contests in their group on Ravelry and also host several KALs (knit-a-longs). The Mother Bear Project seems to be their pet project and I have since bought the pattern to start my own bears for the KALs.

Give these ladies a listen!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Welcome back!

So I have been gone for a bit. It's been a rough few months but I'm really trying to get on an upswing. I had a get together at my house in memory of my friend, Becky, who passed away in July. There ended up about 15 or so people, enjoying good food, beverages and the most perfect weather we could have hoped for. I think Becky had something to do with the weather, considering it was terribly hot and humid for weeks and cold and rainy the day before the party. I'm still struggling a bit with her not being here but someday I know I won't look back on her with such sadness.

The day after the party, I messed up my back (again) helping my dog get up the ramp to the SUV. I ended up missing 3 days of work, barely able to move and sick as a dog because I managed to give myself a bowel obstruction as well (long story - lots of abdominal surgeries). I'm somewhat mobile now and back to caring to knit and read again. I don't like being forced down like that so I'm hoping to get through it soon.


On The Needles
So a lot of what is on the needles will be acting as Christmas presents so I can't quite say much about them now. I can say that I had Voolenvine yarns custom dye some yarn for presents for my mother and sister. I can also say I've ripped out 3 projects that I started knitting with it, not because of the yarn or colors because they are beautiful, but because the patterns weren't showcasing the colors. I finally went back to an old favorite and got about 3 inches knit up and I think I'm happy now. The colors are the focal point and that's what I wanted.

I dug up some Noro from my stash and started a scarf for a special person. Not really for Christmas per se, just because I felt the need to give this person something beautiful. I've not knit with Noro before, although Becky and I enabled each other to buy quite a bit of it and she did make a scarf out of hers, so I'm really happy to see how it's working. The color changes are very potato chip knitting, I keep wanting to knit to get to the next color! I love how the pattern (Waterfall scarf) is working out as well. I also know of other yarn in my stash that needs to become this scarf.


I'm working on another Dichotomy for my massage therapist for Christmas. I showed her my Game of Thrones one and she loved it so I decided to make her one. I found some really cool yarn in my stash that I got in North Carolina at Charlotte Yarn. It reminds me of a campfire, the way it runs from tans to grays to yellow to orange. It's from Classic Shades in Natural Glow. I think this will be amazing when it's done.

I still have a pair of vanilla socks on the needles for me in Gnomeacres Smell My Feet. I have a feeling they won't be done for Halloween. Ah well. I want to buy her new fall colors but I must stay on a yarn diet!

FO Party!
Truly?!?! I got another project done!  I made my mom a Gaptastic cowl because she really wanted one after seeing the one I made for my sister and for me. Mom knits but I don't think she's as enthusiastic about it as I am, so I bought some Knit Picks Full Circle bulky yarn in Tomatillo. It's wool and made from recycled fiber. I love it and went back and got some blue for myself. The only thing about making this cowl in a solid color is boy, you can see the mistakes in the seed stitch.

In Your Ear
I've been trying to catch up on podcasts and failing so I went back to Craftlit and am trying to finish Little Women. My book club for it is long over but now it's a mission to get that book done. It's not really my type of book but I'm halfway through so I will be getting it done :)

For Your Eyes Only
Finally finished up Season 4 of Haven and ready to begin actively watching Season 5. Also working through Outlander on Starz and am really enjoying it. I'm being slow watching that because I'm still reading the book. I think Voolenvine is doing some Outlander colorways which might damage my yarn diet. Darn it!

Quenching Your Thirst
A friend and I went to a new (to us) winery in Fishers. Harmony Winery is a cute little place that actually offers up a lot more than you would expect. You can make your own wine there using all of their equipment (no investment!) and you can even have custom labels printed for your wine. They had a huge selection of wine with about 10-15 on their actual tasting menu. For $5 you could taste 10 wines. I like fruit wines to an extent (and no one does them better than Butler Winery in Bloomington) but Harmony takes regular wine and adds the fruit to it, instead of making wine from fruit. I enjoyed pretty much everything I tasted! One of my favorites was Ghost Berry - a white cranberry wine.
Dog is intrigued... or wants a treat

If you are in the area, it's worth checking out. I'm wanting to try the wine and yoga night myself. What could go wrong with that?!?!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Podcast Spotlight: Stuff You Missed In History Class

This podcast has so much good content I get slightly overwhelmed sometimes.

Stuff you missed in History class is part of the Stuff Network and it covers the gamut of, literally, things not taught in history class. I had a seriously good history teacher (Mr. Wallace at Pendleton Heights, thank you!) and I'm learning things in this podcast that I haven't heard before.

The most current episodes are a mini-series on Chinese history - starting with Chairman Mao's plan to revolutionize agriculture in China. I just got done listening to a two-parter about The Great Locomotive Chase during the Civil War as well as learning about The Heathen School (failure) and the Tulsa race riot. All stuff I've never heard of before.

The episodes are usually kept about 30 minutes in length which is good, but understand that the history will be a bit abbreviated. Which is a good excuse to go read up on the subjects that interest you (and they provide book links and resources!).

Keep learnin'!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Yarn Clubber

I joined a yarn club last year, just one, to get a taste and see if it would be something that I like to do. Turns out... this could be an expensive hobby. Eeps.

Tempted Yarns had a Pin Up Beauties yarn club last year, and while I can't remember how I heard about it, I signed up immediately. Stacy let us do a payment plan, which also helped the temptation. Her yarn was beautiful and the little goodies that came with it were equally great. I'm still part of the Ravelry group and would still buy her yarn.

This year, I was pretty excited to be picked to be in the Sunnydale Yarn Club. I frickin' LOVE Buffy and I think I would have been upset not to get in to this one. This one is by Dizzy Blonde Studios and I heard about it on the Knotty Girls Knit Cast. So this time around is the 2nd patrol aka the second season. The blog (linked above) isn't completely caught up but take a look at the first yarn shipment they show. It's based on the Halloween episode where everyone changes into their costumes. I have no idea what to do with the yarn yet, because I think I don't want to hide it in a pair of shoes. Must search Ravelry!

I also joined the Golden Skein yarn club which is overseas. Kinda crazy, I know. But I heard about it on a UK podcast (which I can't for the life of me remember - if I do, I'll edit and post!). I joined The Slimmer's Club. Less expensive (but with a payment installment deal too) and I get 1 skein at a time. Basically the indie dyer's get photos for inspiration and they dye up yarn to go with the photo. The yarn arrives in a golden envelope. Quite beautiful!

Click to embiggen

I'm pretty happy with these 2 clubs for this year. I almost, almost joined Voolenvine's Art Nouveau club but held back.

At this point, even I have to admit, I need a yarn diet. So, I am now on one. *sigh*

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Tribute to a Knitter

Things have been so topsy-turvy since I got back from vacation. I've still not processed everything but I know there is a definite loss in my life.

My friend, Becky, was diagnosed with breast cancer while I was in Florida. The chemo cap I was making was the first in a bunch made just for her. When I washed and blocked it, I was a little unhappy with it so I washed and blocked it again. I then took it to work and laid on her desk.

Becky's chemo cap

She had her first chemo treatment a week prior and was feeling poorly so she was home. We texted and confirmed our plans for the state fair $2 Food Tuesday the next week. We try and hit the fair each year, especially when deep-fried fair food is $2. Last year, we waddled back to the car, groaning. But it was worth it!

The next day, she was gone.

My dear friend had a heart attack, possibly due to the chemo.

Becky and I had worked together for 11 years and were friends for almost all of those years. She went along with my harebrained schemes (Let's ride a pedal pub in 100 degree weather! Let's take a brewery tour of Indianapolis in a snow storm!) and we did an awful lot together outside of work. She was my fellow knitter - someone who I could show my work to and get advice. Someone who went yarn shopping just to squeeze new arrivals of Malabrigo. I often knit things for her for Christmas, because I knew full well she wouldn't knit stuff for herself, choosing instead to knit for her great nieces. I even bought her squishy sock yarn, needles and a sock pattern for her birthday last year - asking her to make something nice for herself. I don't think she did, but the girls were getting legwarmers.

I did not get to say good-bye. My last words were "Take a nap. See you tomorrow."

Her absence left a very large hole in my life. I hope she is feeling wonderful, knitting up a storm (for herself!) and at peace.

Handlebar in scorching weather

At Oliver Winery

At Upland Brewery with Susan

At Anderson Brewfest

Saturday, July 26, 2014

FOs Party!!!

I finally have a set of Finished Objects!!! Color me stupid excited!

Firstly, I had some Candy Cane yarn that an ex-coworker gifted me. Handspun from Stockannette in Indianapolis. Very cute yarn, 90 yards and it was just sitting there. He got the yarn at the Handspun Christmas marketplace last year (I know because I went too and bought another skein of yarn). So I found the Mile-A-Minute scarf and casted on. This literally only took me an evening to complete.

Taking up my entire Seats-6-table plus a box added to the end

Up close - slipped stitch pattern

It took about 3-4 soakings in the sink to get the red to stop leaking out. About the 4th round, the water ran clear and my kitchen smells like wet sheep. Which isn't a bad thing.


My friend's socks are DONE and DELIVERED!

M. Tosh yarn... purty

My Dichotomy shawl is DONE! I got this 90% done on the trip to knitting and all. It's lovely with one mistake that I missed. A friend offered to use crochet to fix the hole so it will be a lovely shawl to wear in the winter. It's my Game of Thrones shawl as it's made with Lorna's Laces in Winter is Coming. Beautiful. I want another one.

I have a chemo cap that will be done this weekend. Just finishing the decreases. It's a pretty lace pattern, so I hope my friend likes it.

To leave you... here's the cap with a happy happy dog in the background watching me.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Children's knitting books that I want to keep!

My friend's twins (age almost-7) are learning to knit so for their birthday, I got 2 very cute knitting books. So cute, I kind of want to keep them for myself!

This is such a cute book about a little girl who finds a box of yarn and always has leftover yarn, no matter how much she knits. The illustrations are amazingly good, with the distinct knit pattern making up the actual knitting.

Alana Dakos has a lot of patterns out on Ravelry that I love so I thought her book about a little girl learning to knit would be good for the twins. It's wordier than Extra Yarn but it's an entertaining book complete with how to knit instructions in the back.

I hope the kids like them! (I did!)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Podcast Spotlight: The Lost Geek

This is another fairly new podcast from Indonesia and Arlin's voice is so pretty and soft, it's a joy to listen to!

The Lost Geek is not as geeky as you would think. There is a lot of knitting and wonderful information on living in Indonesia. I am starting at the beginning (there are currently 35 episodes) but she is gaining her voice rather quickly so I imagine the newest episodes are pretty strong.

This is a short little plug, but still... it's a podcast I'm enjoying and would recommend!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Podcast Spotlight: KnottyGirls KnitCast

I've been catching up on podcasts while I am on vacation and the KnottyGirls KnitCast has reeled me in. I'm trying to start at the beginning - it's a fairly new podcast - but find that I'm listening to the newest ones as well.

Through this podcast I found out about the Sunnydale Yarn Club and I managed to snag a spot in Season Two's club! Very excited because seriously what is better than Buffy AND yarn?? They also do a Mean Girls Yarn Club and I think I want to get in on that as well. The colors are just beautiful.

Jen and Laura are geeky and talk about the very things that I love, including Downton Abbey, Doctor Who and superheroes. There is a lot of knitting talk as well, so it's not all geek stuff. They've pointed me in the direction of some lovely patterns that I've already claimed on Ravelry. The sound quality is good, their interaction with each other is great and they have had some really good interviews as well.

Check them out!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Beach Bum

I've been in a Florida for a few days now and this is my first actual DOWN time. I love vacation but I think I need to plan in more do-nothing time.

On this trip, I think I brought too many projects :) I must have felt that my fingers would be flying and I'd get everything done. Silly knitter....

palm trees! beaches!

On The Needles (or projects drug to Florida)

Finishing my friend's second vanilla sock. I pulled this out in the car to knit on and two of the needles pulled out, so I started it over. I'm past the cuff and on to the leg, about... 3 inches in. I'm hoping to get it completed on this trip.

My Dichotomy shawl was my main car knitting. Easy to remember pattern, larger needles and worsted yarn. I haven't worked on it anymore, saving it for the return trip home.

I brought my mom's Christmas present - as yet named in public - but haven't touched it.

I also brought my Hermione socks to work on. Haven't touched :)

And lastly (see! I told you I brought too much!) a freshly wound cake of NC yarn that will become my North Carolina Adventure Socks using the Simple Skyp pattern.

My main goal is to finish my friend's sock so I can get the pair to her. I have 5 more days!

All Queued Up

Have you seen the Wonder Woman sweater yet??? It's a free pattern and holy moses, I want to make this!! In the library because someday.....

I have a few patterns that I've already done back in the queue. I'm hoping to make some projects that I can auction off to raise money for the charities I walk for. Contacting the designers to make sure it's ok and then we'll move on from there. I'm hoping to have something up for auction every quarter but we will see.

For Your Eyes

The only time the TV has been on here in FL is to see the season finale of Heroes of Cosplay. I love this show! I'm not a cosplayer but I'm in awe of the craftsmanship. I am fully dedicated now to learning my sewing machine and learning to sew.

In Your Ear

No new audiobooks this trip as I've been listening to a lot of podcasts. I'll throw those out in the next updates because they are good ones! I bring my little iPod speaker on vacation with me so I can have something to listen to, music/podcasts/books. I can't stand the jibber jabber of TV so this is perfect. And hey, my view is the ocean. What more can I ask for?

My view for a week

Saturday, June 7, 2014

When You Care Enough To Brew The Very Best

The very first Anderson Brewfest was today in downtown Anderson, Indiana. I did not go to a fiber festival JUST so I could go support the brewfest and the local breweries. Whatta gal.

Without further ado.....

My friends came from Indy and the very first place I take them is Gene's Hot Dogs. We must prep our stomachs for the multitude of beer samples.

The brewfest was right on the snake of Meridian Street, where the Paramount Theatre is located. Brilliant and beautiful place to have it!

resting in the shade

The line to get tickets was pretty long, but luckily, my friends and I pre-purchased our tickets online, so we just flew right in. We were handed a swag bag that included a pint glass (which was our tasting glass) and a pamphlet with all the brewers, sponsors and bands and a place to take notes. Having not seen this pamphlet earlier, I had my own little notebook out taking notes. Geek... I am one.

That's me with the red purse. Photo courtesy of We Are Madison County.

We did bypass Sun King only because we've had a lot of Sun King. It's already a favorite and they had the three basic: Osiris, Wee Mac and Cream Ale. All delicious but seeing as I have limited space in the belly, I wanted to try things I haven't tried before (lie number one).

Artist's Alley was right up front but we decided to hit that on the way out. We initially started with the first brewery in line, Quaff On. Let me preface by saying, I'm now looking up a lot of this on the internet because my handwriting got atrocious by the end of this and I can't read my notes. But I recognize the pictures!

Quaff On is from Nashville, IN and had 3 selections to sample. I'm not an IPA fan so I did forgo ALL IPA samples. Sorry, IPA lovers. I tried the Busted Knuckle (which I wrote down as Knuckle Buster - this was my first sample! geesh), which is a hybrid porter. Delicious. My friend tried the Yellow Dwarf, an American Wheat. Also very tasty. See, this is why you bring friends. Three times as many samples to try!

From here, we tried to devise a plan of attack. It was getting really crowded and the lines were pretty good sized to each brewery. We had to think. We had to plan. We had to drink. Onward....

We went to the very end of the line, near the food trucks, and worked our way back. Let me say that Anderson has done up this little area well. There is plenty of seating and shade and it was a damn gorgeous day to be out there. Bravo!

The Big Easy Cajun food truck

Some of the brewers just sent beer and volunteers gave the samples (like Sun King and Upland). We stopped at the Daredevil tent and we sampled the Vacation Kolsch and it too was very good. But better yet, it was ice cold. Perfect.

People's Brewing Company. Their sign should have clued me in. It was covered in hops. They are from Lafayette and I opted to try their rye malt liquor, which I can't for the life of me remember the name for and I don't recognize on their site. This might be deemed the most unusual beer I have tasted. I didn't dislike it at all but I don't think I could have drank a whole glass of this bad boy. I finished my sample and was still wondering "Do I like this? I think I like this?"

A view of the entrance from the second floor of the parking garage.

The next tent was a brewery I had already tried from my time on the Indy Brew Bus. Fountain Square Brewery is it's name and I knew it was good. Although, if I remember right, it was the last stop on the Brew Bus and things got hazy and then scary about that time (a sudden snowstorm came at us while we were imbibing). I opted to try Hugh Hefe because I know I liked hefeweizen . The Hops for Teacher Pale Ale sounded... hoppy. They also had Workingman's Pilsner, which I have tried before and is excellent. Hugh was quite good and cold annnnnd.... break time.

the ballerina fountain - not the official name

The people!

These folks weren't on the list because they aren't technically a brewery... yet. But they were a sponsor!  Cartel Brewing sells brewing supplies and has classes (and loads other stuff - check their site). As a side note, some breweries were running out of beer which induced audible sighs and groans from the crowd. Hopefully next year that won't be an issue.

Cartel offered up 2 beers, Renaissance and a Saison, I think. Here's where my handwriting is just stupid. My friend had the former, I had the latter and both were good although I did like hers better. Crisper, had a bite to it.

Scanning the list, I realize I have to cut back on the breweries I know and just hit the final ones that I've never tried before *cough*.

Cutters Brewing made me a liar once. I've had their Monon Wheat, bought at Meijer, and it is one of the better wheat beers I've had and they were right there and my glass was empty and they had a Scottish Ale for goodness sake!!! Give me a break. One friend got the Scottish Ale (Floyd's Folly), one got the pale ale (Knobstone) and I went in full force for a brown sour (General Brown). *screeeeech*  I've never ever had a sour beer before. I think all of my tastebuds jumped out of my mouth and went screaming into the ballerina fountain. Of course, I then made my friends try it and I finished the sample because that's the kind of gal I am. It reminded me of a very tart very hard cider but beer. And that makes no sense because I don't know how to describe a brown sour beer. Except just try it once.

*clap* BREAK!

 Taking a breather and showing that the glass could be empty. and sad. sad glass.

I think around this point, Susan threw in the glass and went to sit down and wait on us. Becky and I wandered to the Flat 12 tent where I was made a liar AGAIN. Flat 12 was also on the Brew Bus route and their beers are magical. It's like some evil genius throws all flavors into a hat and they randomly pull out a handful and make a beer. Mudbugs Cajun, anyone? Kiwi beer? Cucumber Kolsch? How about a strawberry/bourbon/vanilla beer? I tried the strawberry beer and it was fantastic. Again, can't remember what it was called and I don't see it on the website but if I find it, I'll update my page.

We went to find Susan and listen to some music. Bands played all day but this was the first we sat and listened. The Apathy Wizards from Muncie were on with a big ol' bass and a guy playing a suitcase. Yes, it was that good.

 Apathy Wizards

Alright, 3 more breweries to go.... I can do this.

Now I am really only going to the ones I've never been to, I swear. But I'm saving the belle of the ball, my most favorite beer of all, for last.

Mad Anthony has a Summer Daze pale and a Raspberry Wheat. I sampled the raspberry from my friend's glass and had some of the Summer Daze. Both were good, but then I saw someone who poured BOTH into his glass. Now that had to be amazing.

Taxman Brewing from Bargersville had almost all Abbey style belgians. I got the Exemption, the Abbey style Trippel. Very, very good but I am also a fan of the Abbey style so I feel that one was a gimme.

My most favoritist beer of the day (spell check doesn't think that's a word... hmm) was from Scarlet Lane Brewing Company  and I almost didn't get it. I do love stouts and dark beers but it's near the end of the day and a nice farmhouse ale sounded good. The beer-woman handing out samples saw me deciding and let me know that they were almost out of Dorian Stout if I wanted to be one of the last to try it. Ah... ok. Hands down, one of the best stouts I've had and it was made from coconuts. The coconut wasn't overwhelming but it was there and it made it *smacks lips* perfect.

We did hit the Artist Alley on the way out and I bought a very cool lap blanket (part fleece/part crochet) from the Crooked Hookers. A little smack was talked re: knitters vs crocheters but I left happy and with a new, cool blanket. I also picked up an Anderson Brewfest tee shirt.

And I left a happy camper who can't wait for next year.