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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Call for Hats and Scarves!

My little town of Anderson has had some downturns. With another fabulous Midwest winter coming on, I wanted to give something back. Ulterior motive, I need to use up yarn as well.

I contacted a few shelters in Anderson and they could use some handknit/crocheted hats and scarves. So I am officially putting out the call for items to be donated through March 2015. If you knit or crochet and can contribute, please do! If you don't knit or crochet, hand bought items would be welcome too! Anything to keep the men at the shelters warm while the temperatures drop below freezing. If last winter was any indication, it could get up to 20 below, real temperature.

The first place we'll be donating to is The Christian Center on Main Street.  The Christian Center serves as a rescue shelter for men

The Christian Center's Rescue Shelter program maintains a 24/7 ** "no turn away" policy. Immediate physical needs are met, as guests sign up for beds, eat three meals a day, take showers and get haircuts and pick out fresh clothes. Men can stay up to 30 days, during which time Christian Center staff help them to evaluate their next best step, which may include enrollment in our Men's Program or different recovery programs with other service providers in the area.

The second place we'll be donating hats and scarves to is House of Hope of Madison County. House of Hope serves as a halfway house

The House of Hope is a well-established program that has served Madison County and the surrounding counties for many years in helping men recover from their addictions. In fact many of our employees throughout the years, have started as clients, became house managers, and either remained with the House of Hope in management roles or went to other treatment facilities to further their professional ambitions

For now, the residents we'll be donating to are men, so men's colors are needed. However, I am still researching and trying to contact shelters for women and children as well.

If you are interested in donating, please contact me at manadabomb AT gmail DOT com.

EDIT: Free patterns for hats/scarves

Tin Can Knits

Just a Beanie

Monday, December 8, 2014

Hole the size of a dime...kinda

It's been a while. But this time I have a good reason :)

My knitting has been a bit on hold due to a hand injury. Luckily, I have no pictures of this injury because it made me break out into a sweat when I looked at it. Blech. A small incident getting Eva out of the car with a ramp caused me to rip a chunk of my hand off (left behind on said ramp). I didn't realize it at first, just thinking that I scraped it on the sandpapery "floor" of the ramp. Once I got Eva to the backyard, I checked my hand and saw an almost dime-sized hole missing between my little finger knuckle and ring finger knuckle. As in... could see muscle underneath. And cue cold sweat.

Not much can be done for a hole like that so for 3 weeks, I left knitting by the wayside to nurse a hole-y, bandaged hand.

But I'm back!

On The Needles

I'm working on a Christmas present, although I said I wouldn't be. I'm so close now I decided it HAS to be done by Christmas. Details once it's given to the recipient.

My Halloween socks, my go-to vanilla sock pattern, in Gnomeacres Smell My Feet are on the needles but on hold. Halloween is so gone....

I was working on the Stephen West Shawl KAL and am still on clue one. Seriously, yes. I'm ok with this. Right......

I also have the I Flunked The Written Sunnydale KAL project on the needles and that's been on hold too. Oy.

Christmas vacation is coming soon and I know I'll get lots of knitting worked on. Just need a bit more time!

For Your Eyes

I've caught myself up on Haven, Castle, The Walking Dead and Z Nation. I have quite a few more shows that are waiting for me to catch up on (Sleepy Hollow, Outlander, Elementary)

I'm really enjoying the tongue-in-cheek goofiness of Z Nation. TWD just floored and upset me with it's mid-season finale but I guess I'll survive. Damn you, Kirkman!!!

I leave you now... more to come as I get back into the swing of knitting with a holeless hand!

Eva - staring daggers at Maggie chewing on an antler. Share, kids!